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Fertility Assessments & IUI services

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Woman Rising Midwifery offers out-of-hospital fertility and hormone lab work up, replacement therapy & IUI (intra-uterine insemination) services. These visits fees are individualized given each client's desires and needs. Call or email Rebecca to discuss your desires and we can set up a care plan individualized to your needs. 


Hydration Services

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In-Office or House Call for extra fee

Contact for Pricing

Woman Rising Midwifery offers In-Office Hydration Services for those suffering from Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy. This includes a brief intake, obtaining Intravenous Access, administration of IV fluids, and the option of additional medications for nausea if the need arises. Enjoy a comfortable chair and a quiet unassuming space to receive intervention for your nausea and vomiting while avoiding the Emergency Room! By appointment only, and in-home hydration services available for an additional travel fee. 


Call to arrange an appointment with Woman Rising Midwifery.

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